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Awards, awards, awards!

It’s awards season!

Awards, awards, awards!

This year we’re proud to have been finalists in the prestigious RESI Awards as Property Manager of the Year, and the Property Week Management All-Stars as Build to Rent/ PRS Operator of the Year. Both awards celebrate the very best in our sector, and it was a real honour to make the finals. And...

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Our Cambodian build is complete

Our team in Cambodia have completed their build!

Our Cambodian build is complete

The team have worked so hard this week, learning news skills and working alongside local builders to create a home for Lok Heanh and Soeum Poeun and their children. Today the village held an opening ceremony, celebrating the new home and the huge difference it will make to the family. The...

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More homes…and a spot of rain

As part of our commitment to Habitat for Humanity GB in Cambodia, we have already funded the building of seven houses in the Siem Reap region.

More homes…and a spot of rain

Today our team out in Cambodia had the opportunity see three of these houses, and meet their owners, Niem Soeum, Touch Vat, and Sat Pov. It was great to see the difference these homes have made to their lives. Meanwhile our volunteers continue to work hard on site… Learning new bricklaying...

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Meet the Cambodian family that we’re building a home for

Tbeng Kert village is approximately 39.5 kilometers from Siem Reap and positioned in the Tbeng commune, Banteay Srei district of Cambodia.

Meet the Cambodian family that we’re building a home for

Around 1,661 people live in the village, working in factories, in construction, or farming rice and collecting cassava. Most villagers live in housing shelters made of wood and palm leaves, leaving their homes vulnerable to the harsh weather and insects. As part of our three-year partnership...

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Day One in Cambodia

Our team of volunteers have arrived safely in Cambodia.

Day One in Cambodia

It’s Day One of our build in Siem Reap, in partnership with Habitat for Humanity. The team are already hard at work. They’ve been learning new skills, including getting to grips with filing bamboo and chiselling wood to form the floor of the home. We can’t wait to see the...

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The Cambodia adventure begins

And they’re off…! After months of planning, the time has arrived!

The Cambodia adventure begins

Our team of adventurers have embarked on their journey to Siem Reap in Cambodia to build homes with Habitat for Humanity GB. We wish them a safe and successful trip. If previous trips to Malawi are anything to go by, there is no doubt it will be a rewarding and unforgettable experience....

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